mardi 26 décembre 2017

Boxing Day – The Day after Christmas Day. Day 2 (26th December) of the 12 Days of Christmas : St Stephen’s Day. By Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

Boxing Day – The Day after Christmas Day. Day 2 (26th December) of the 12 Days of Christmas : St Stephen’s Day

Save the date and the place to be “The 12 Days of Christmas – From Christmas Day (25th December) to Twelfth Night (5th January)”.Supported by Les Aventures de  Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, mobile application of Super Professeur and Ronning AgainstCancer.

The 12 Days of Christmas – From Christmas Day (25th December) to Twelfth Night (5th January).

Merry Christmas to you and A Happy New Year 2018 !!! From Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur, Marie-Joëlle Magne and Ronning Against Cancer

The 12 Days of Christmas are now most famous as a song about someone receiving lots of presents from their 'true love'. However, to get to the song there had to be the days to start with!

The 12 Days of Christmas start on Christmas Day and last until the evening of the 5th January - also known as Twelfth Night. The 12 Days have been celebrated in Europe since before the middle ages and were a time of celebration.

The 12 Days each traditionally celebrate a feast day for a saint and/or have different celebrations:

Day 2 (26th December also known as Boxing Day): St Stephen’s Day. He was the first Christian martyr (someone who dies for their faith). It's also the day when the Christmas Carol 'Good King Wenceslas' takes place.

Boxing Day takes place on December 26th and is only celebrated in a few countries; mainly ones historically connected to the UK (such as Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand) and in many European countries. In Germany it is known as "Zweite Feiertag” (which means 'second celebration') and also “Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag” which translates as Boxing Day (although it doesn’t literally mean that)!

It was started in the UK about 800 years ago, during the Middle Ages. It was the day when the alms box, collection boxes for the poor often kept in churches, were traditionally opened so that the contents could be distributed to poor people. Some churches still open these boxes on Boxing Day.

It might have been the Romans that first brought this type of collecting box to the UK, but they used them to collect money for the betting games which they played during their winter celebrations!

In Holland, some collection boxes were made out of a rough pottery called 'earthenware' and were shaped like pigs. Perhaps this is where we get the term 'Piggy Bank'!

It was also traditional that servants got the day off to celebrate Christmas with their families on Boxing Day. Before World War II, it was common for working people (such as milkmen and butchers) to travel round their delivery places and collect their Christmas box or tip. This tradition has now mostly stopped and any Christmas tips, given to people such as postal workers and newspaper delivery children, are not normally given or collected on Boxing Day.

Boxing Day has now become another public holiday in countries such as the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It is also the traditional day that Pantomimes started to play.

There are also often sports played on Boxing Day in the UK, especially horse racing and football matches! It's also when shops traditionally had big sales after Christmas in the UK (like Black Friday in the USA).

The 26th December is also St. Stephen's Day. Just to confuse things, there are two St. Stephens in history! The first St. Stephen is believed to have been a very early follower of Jesus and he is said to have been the first Christian Martyr (a person who dies for their religious beliefs). The Bible says that Stephen (who was a Jew) was stoned to death by some other Jews (who didn't believe in Jesus).

The second St. Stephen was a Missionary, in Sweden, in the 800s. He loved all animals but particularly horses (perhaps why there is traditionally horse racing on boxing day). He was also a martyr and was killed by pagans in Sweden. In Germany there was a tradition that horses would be ridden around the inside of the church during the St. Stephen's Day service!

St. Stephen's Day (or 'the feast of Stephen') is when the Carol 'Good King Wenceslas' is set. It's about helping the poor - so it has a strong connection to Boxing Day.

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU !!! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and Ronning Against Cancer, Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima

Ronald Tintin, Founder of the project Ronning Against Cancer
“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”


Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

Corrida de Houilles 2017, 31 décembre – 46ème édition. Un 10km populaire et un 10km "Elite" avec le label international IAAF Argent/ IAAF Road Race SILVER by Ronald Tintin

Corrida Pédestre Internationale de Houilles 2017, 31 décembre – 46ème édition. Un 10km populaire et un 10km "Elite" avec le label international IAAF Argent/ IAAF Road Race SILVER by Ronald Tintin

Save the date and the place to be “Corrida Pédestre Internationale de Houilles 2017”in France. 46th edition on Sunday, December 31st 2017 ;) Supported by Les Aventures de  Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, mobile application of Super Professeur and Ronning AgainstCancer.

The 12 Days of Christmas – From Christmas Day (25th December) to Twelfth Night (5th January).

Merry Christmas to you and A Happy New Year 2018 !!! From Ronald Tintin, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Super Professeur, Marie-Joëlle Magne and Ronning Against Cancer

Très chères lectrices et lecteurs ;)

Le dimanche 31 décembre 2017 aura lieu la  46ème Corrida Pédestre Internationale de Houilles organisée par le Comité des Fêtes de la Ville, les SOHouilles.

Il s'agit d'une des courses les plus prestigieuses et indéniablement du plus beau palmarès au monde des 10km sur routes. La corrida pédestre internationale de Houilles (78800) conjugue ambiance festive et sport de haut niveau. 

En 2013 l'épreuve reçoit le label international IAAF et propose en coeur de ville un 10km populaire et un 10km "Elite" sur 3 tours.

Depuis 2014, l'IAAF accorde à la Corrida pédestre internationale de Houilles le Label Argent ce qui la place dans le TOP 50 mondial des courses labéllisées sur 10 km.

10km - Label Iaaf Argent

Programme du 31 décembre 2017

A partir de 14H  Animations, et fanfares sur le parcours de la corrida.

14H45 - 10 Km POPULAIRE Masculin / Féminin 3 boucles 
- Qualificatif pour le championnat de France licenciés/non licenciés à partir de cadet (2000)
- Pour les non-licenciés, obligation de produire un certificat médical ou une copie certifiée conforme de moins d’un an autorisant la pratique de la course à pied en compétition. Les licenciés doivent présenter une photocopie de leur licence en cours de validité.

16H30 - 10 km AS Masculin / Féminin 3 boucles
- Ouvert aux sportifs licenciés de la Fédération française d’athlétisme - FSGT et FF de Triathlon, 
- Qualificatif pour le championnats de France
- Temps maximum : Homme 39'  Femme 43' sur justificatif

- Clôture de la 46ème édition par un feu d'artifice dans le parc Charles de Gaulle.

Lieu de la course

Départ : Place du 14 Juillet
Arrivée : Place Michelet

Inscriptions et Renseignements 

Houilles est une commune du département des Yvelines (78) dans la région Île-de-France en France, située à 7 km au nord-ouest de Paris (porte Maillot) et à 8 km environ à l'est de Saint-Germain-en-Laye. Elle est voisine des départements des Hauts-de-Seine (93) et du Val-d'Oise (95).

25 000 spectateurs et environ 3000 coureurs sont attendus pour cette  édition. Pour rejoindre Houilles privilégiez les transports en commun; la commune est desservie par la route départementale D308 qui relie Paris à Poissy, par la route départementale D311 qui relie Houilles à Saint-Germain-en-Laye et par la ligne ferroviaire Paris-Saint-Lazare - Rouen sur laquelle circulent aussi les RER A. 
Coordonnées GPS
Latitude : 48.9167
Longitude : 2.2

Corrida de Houilles
24 Rue Thiers

Mail :
Tél :
Fax :

Ronald Tintin, l’Ecrivain et Ultra Marathonien, Fondateur du projet Ronning Against Cancer pour soutenir la lutte contre le cancer et collecter de l’argent pour la cause.
“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”


Ronald Tintin, Founder of the projet “Ronning Against Cancer”  

Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

lundi 25 décembre 2017

Merry Christmas to you! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and Ronning Against Cancer. Christmas Day, 25th of December -True meaning of Christmas

Christmas Day, 25th of December -True meaning of Christmas. Merry Christmas to you! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur and Ronning Against Cancer


 “The 12 Days of Christmas – From Christmas Day (25th December) to Twelfth Night (5th January)”.Supported by Les Aventures de  Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, mobile application of Super Professeur and Ronning AgainstCancer.


Christmas – True meaning of Christmas (Christ-Mass), Xmas

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon.
Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe is the Son of God.
The name 'Christmas' comes from the Mass of Christ .

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU !!! From Ronald Tintin, Super Professeur, Le Journal Intime de Sublima and Ronning Against Cancer

Ronald Tintin, Founder of the project Ronning Against Cancer
“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”


Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

Voyager, Marcher, Courir, Maigrir avec l’ultra marathonien Ronald Tintin…Joyeux Noël à toutes et tous !!! Séance du jour pour Noël : marche athlétique pour ce lundi 25 décembre 2017 (Les 12 jours de Noël)

Voyager, Marcher, Courir, Maigrir avec l’ultra marathonien Ronald Tintin…Joyeux Noël à toutes et tous !!! Séance du jour pour Noël : marche athlétique pour ce lundi 25 décembre 2017 (Les 12 jours de Noël)


Bienvenue aux conseils et astuces pour Voyager, Marcher, Courir, Maigrir avec l’ultra marathonien Ronald Tintin de la marche et au-delà du marathon (42,195 km).

Ce lundi 25 décembre 2017, nous sommes le Jour de Noël.

Joyeux Noël à toutes et tous !!!

Merry Christmas to you and A Happy New Year 2018 !!!

Today (Monday 25 December 2017) is Christmas Day and the first day of The 12 Days of Christmas.

Pour la dernière semaine d’entraînement de l’année 2017 (du lundi 25 décembre 2017 au dimanche 31 décembre 2017), nous allons prendre le temps de nous reposer tout en marchant un peu pour garder la forme.

Je sors dans la matinée pour aller faire une séance de courir/marcher à allure 24 heures sous un ciel nuageux au cœur de la forêt …
Durée : 1h
Activité course/marche : allure lente en respirant avec aisance et en étant capable de parler
Super agréable de marcher tout en dépensant des calories pour maigrir bien.
Pour commencer votre objectif de perdre du poids avec plaisir, je vous conseille d’aller doucement en alternant course et marche.

N’hésitez pas à me contacter pour vos questions.
Bien à vous avec des ondes positives !

Ronald Tintin,
Blogger, YouTuber, Ecrivain et ultra Marathonien,
Fondateur du site pour le partage de la connaissance
et du projet Ronning Against Cancer ( ) pour soutenir la lutte contre le cancer le cancer du sein (Opération "Ruban Rose" pour Octobre Rose) et collecter de l’argent pour la cause.

“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”



Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

mardi 19 décembre 2017

La Corrida de Noël d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux 2017 (40ème édition) : Résultats. Nouveau record personnel de Ronald Tintin sur le 10 km ce dimanche 17 décembre. Félicitations Lauriane Lemonnier, Oksana Bogachkina et Svetlana Molyavkina !

La Corrida de Noël d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux 2017 (40ème édition) : Résultats. Nouveau record personnel de Ronald Tintin sur le 10 km ce dimanche 17 décembre. Félicitations Lauriane Lemonnier, Oksana Bogachkina et Svetlana Molyavkina !

Travel, Fitness, Race Walking and Run with Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer to take action for charity and raise funds for the fight against Cancer : Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018 (Pink October 2018)

Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer’s UPCOMING event “La Corrida de Noël d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux 2017 (40th edition)  on Sunday 17th December November 2017  and Saturday 2nd 2017 in Issy-Les-Moulineaux ( 92 Hauts-de-Seine)

Travel, Fitness, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Art,Race Walking ,Running
 with Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin and Ronning Against Cancer to take action for charity and raise funds for  World Cancer Day 2018 4th February , International Women ‘s Day 2018 8th March,  Women’s History Month 2018 in March, Education for All,
 Jonquille pour Curie 2018, World Health Day 2018 7th April, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2018 in September, Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2018 (Pink October 2018), 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign 2018

Très chères lectrices et les lecteurs ;)

Beau voyage à Issy-Les-Moulineaux, une belle ville de France dans le département des Hauts-de-Seine (92 130) en région Ile-de-France, le temps d’une course de 10 km sur route  La Corrida de Noël d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux 2017 (40ème édition), dimanche 17 décembre 2017.

« Cela fait super bien longtemps que je n’ai pas couru aussi bien sur la route avec autant de plaisir …

Merci au génial entraîneur Jean-Jacques Minne pour ses préparations très efficaces et son soutien qui donnent envie de se dépasser !

Comme mon dernier record sur 10km datait du 19 juin 2011, je suis le premier surpris de revenir à 36 minutes en battant mon record personnel ce dimanche 17 décembre 2017 lors de la course « La Corrida de Noël d’Issy-Les-Moulineaux ».

Des choses à améliorer, mais j’ai pris le départ de ce 10 km avec la ferme intention de tenir 3’38’ au km (la base de mon record)…en fixant un objectif à atteindre qui va me pousser à me battre contre moi-même jusqu’à la ligne d’arrivée.

Je dédie ce nouveau record personnel à Joelle Nasr Magne ! »

Temps :
Temps réél :
Vitesse moyenne :
16,5 km/h
Le temps officiel: temps calculé par rapport au coup de feu

Le temps réél: temps calculé entre le tapis de chronométrage du départ et celui de l'arrivée

Félicitations à Lauriane Lemonnier pour son tout premier 10 km en 49’16’’ !
Félicitations à Molyavkina Svetlana pour son nouveau record personnel sur 10km en 37’41’’ !
Félicitations à Oksana Bogachkina pour son nouveau record personnel sur 10km en 38’59’’ !

Bravo aussi à toutes et tous les autres athlètes du club de l’Azur Olympique Charenton (AO Charenton) pour leur record.

Remerciements :

Jean-Jacques Minne, Marie-Joëlle Magne, Marina Nival, Cédric Blouin et tous les autres dans la vie quotidienne.

Pour en savoir plus :

Ronald Tintin, l’Ecrivain et ultra Marathonien, Fondateur du site et du projet Ronning Against Cancer pour soutenir la lutte contre le cancer et collecter de l’argent pour la cause.
“ Together, we can get rid of cancer; we are not alone. Together, we are stronger.”

Team SuperProfesseur, Eve Bieuvelet, Le Journal Intime de Sublima, Peggy Laure Hernandez ,Florine Cornilleau, Marina Nival, Olivia Koryczan, dearest readers, followers…


Breast Cancer Awareness - Let’s support the Fight Against Breast Cancer and raise funds! Supported by the project Ronning Against Cancer, Super Professeur, Marina Nival , and Les Aventures de Ronald Tintin

samedi 25 novembre 2017

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, from 25 November 2017, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, from 25 November 2017, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day. “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls”

Save the date and the place to be “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, from 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day”.Supported by Ronald Tintin,, Marina Nival and Ronning Against Cancer.

From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights Day, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign is a time to galvanize action to end violence against women and girls around the world. The international campaign originated from the first Women's Global Leadership Institute coordinated by the Center for Women's Global Leadership in 1991.

This year, the UNiTE Campaign will mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence under the overarching theme, “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls”— reflecting the core principle of the transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

“Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls” reinforces the UNiTE Campaign’s commitment to a world free from violence for all women and girls around the world, while reaching the most underserved and marginalized, including refugees, migrants, minorities, indigenous peoples, and populations affected by conflict and natural disasters, amongst others, first.

As in previous years, the colour orange will be a key theme unifying all activities, and buildings and landmarks will be lit and decorated in orange to bring global attention to the issue of violence against women and girls.

Join us!

Share your photos, messages and videos showing how you orange the world at and using #orangetheworld and #16days. 

The United Nations Official Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women will take place on 22 November from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. For more information, see the invitation. 




In line with the 2017 global umbrella theme “Leave No One Behind: End Violence against Women and Girls”, throughout the 16 day-long period reaching from 25 November to 10 December, a series of Orange Spotlight Days, will focus on the far-reaching consequences of violence against women and girls within some of the most marginalized and underserved groups.

Orange Spotlight Days
22 November
The Official UN Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

25 November
27 November
Spotlight on Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls
29 November
Spotlight on Women Human Rights Defenders
International Women Human Rights Defenders Day
3 December
Spotlight on Violence against Women with Disabilities
International Day Persons with Disabilities
7 December
Spotlight on Violence against Women in Rural Communities
10 December
International Human Rights Day

To know more about 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign :

Ronald Tintin, Founder of the project “Ronning Against Cancer” and Super Professeur support 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign